Monday 8 August 2011

"The essence of drawing is the line exploring space." Andy Goldsworthy

One of my favourite artists at the moment is Andy Goldsworthy. Coincidentally, we learnt about Andy in our Art lessons this year at school. The picture above symbolises what art is. Art can be anything you want it to be, and done however you want to do it. He takes landscapes and natural objects in the environment and turns them into art. Wherever he is. The picture below shows us how he demonstrates this. He took some old stones and used them in the most simple way to create a piece of Art. He inspires me to be creative and to use what i have around me and to create Art. There are many other artists that inspire me to be creative in different ways. Everyone has passions and hobbies- art is mine. And i couldn't be interested in Art without artists inspiring me. Andy is one of those people.

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