Saturday 6 August 2011

Art- What i love to do

I'm Ellie Taylor, a 14 year old school girl from London.
I love drawing and painting in my free time.
Next year i will be doing art for my gcse's and i wanted to make this blog to show all of the pieces of art work that i have already done. And that's what inspired me to create this blog.

My grandpa loves to paint, and he was one of the people who got me to love art. From a young age i have painted and drawn pictures and i want to continue this in the future.

Below are some of the pictures i have drawn recently and when i was younger. Leave your comments or suggestions to tell me other things i could draw or paint.

Press the followers button to follow my blog and to see my recent work.


  1. I'm delighted to learn that you have become the first art blogger to come to my attention and some of your recent work is lovely. Funny I've never seen any of this you must be too shy. You forgot but I bought you a set of oil paints and brushes but as you never came to collect them I assumed you weren't interested. At last I've got someone who shares my enthusiasm. Can I post some of my work as well?
    Papa Mike

  2. I laughed when i saw this!
    Yes you can post some of your work too!
    Of course i'm interested, i almost forgot!!
    I will come round one day and use them!
    Thank you x
